4th Hobbies Carnival 2018

16th April 2018, Monday – Bandar Seri Begawan – Times Square Shopping Centre ended their 4th Hobbies Carnival yesterday on Sunday, 15th April 2018. The three days event included Board Games, Coloring competition and Lego showcase. The coloring competition that was held on Friday, 13th April was won by Elysia Lim Pei Ying in first…

14th Mini carnival

2nd April 2018, Monday, Bandar Seri Begawan- Times Square Shopping Centre ended its 7 days of 14th Mini carnival: 1st April 2018, with fun-filled events throughout the carnival which started on the 26th of March 2018. The event included competitions such as the coloring competition which was held on 30th March 2018. Besides that, the…

Basketball March 2018

19th March 2018, Monday – Bandar Seri Begawan– Times Square Shopping Centre ended its 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament 2018 yesterday on Sunday, 18th March 2018. The event began from 16th March, Friday until 18th of March, Sunday. It was organized by Times Square Shopping Centre, supported by Shooting Stars, Fitness Zone and Brunei Basketball…

8th Lucky Draw 1st Prize Presentation

12th February 2018, Monday – Bandar Seri Begawan – Times Square Shopping Centre has completed the first prize presentation for the 8th Series Lucky Draw yesterday on Sunday, 11th February 2018. Lucky Draw coupon holders were reminded to be present at the Lucky Draw presentation, along with their Identity Cards (IC) as proof of identity…