On 19th August 2016 to 21st August 2016, Times Square held its first ever Family Time Out 2016. Various events and activities were held for all the shoppers to spend their weekend with their friends and families. During the first day of the event, an Eating competition was held where the contestants had to finish a bowl of curry chicken sponsored by Sugar Bun.
Another Eating competition called Bingo Bingo Eating Competition was also held on the second day of the Family Time Out 2016 where the contestants had to play a classic bingo game with a twist. Different dishes sponsored by Sugar Bun were served during the game. The first participants who managed to score ‘Bingo’ won the competition. Times Square also introduced their first ever Mini Fear Factor challenges where contestants had to go through several minor fearful obstacles like Mystery Box challenge and Worm Challenge.
The last day of the event includes another round of Mini Fear Factor challenges, Spaghetti with Tabasco eating competition sponsored by Sugar Bun and Colouring Competition. Other stage activities for kids were also held throughout the three days event such as the Musical chairs, Mini Treasure Hunt and quizzes.
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