Lucky Draw 2015

Categories: News

IMG_9946Times Square Shopping Centre launched its 5th Lucky Draw Campaign yesterday at its premise, on Monday 22nd of December 2014. The lucky draw campaign will be ongoing from 22nd December 2014 to 15th November 2015 with four prize presentations that are scheduled to be held every three months. The draw dates are 15th February 2015, 24th May 2015, 9th August 2015 and 15th November 2015.

Following the successes of the previous lucky draw campaigns for the past 4 years, Times Square aims to celebrate each prize presentation of the fifth lucky draw campaign with a family fun experience. On top of amazing prizes to be won, the Lucky Draw will consist of quizzes and mascot appearance prior to the actual draw.

Times Square Shopping Centre, Lim Yee Liang announced that the campaign will be revolving around the theme of “Happy Fun Time”, giving their loyal customers more fun during each Lucky Draw. Also present during the launching were the general manager, Miss Amal Majidah as well as mascots, Alvin and Tom.

In order to join, customers may shop, dine, stay in Times hotel or watch movies at Times Cineplex (Times Square branch) then submit the receipts of the day to the lucky draw counter located in front of Dee Jay. There are no minimum purchases required and all customers may participate as many times as they wish. This however, does not apply for purchases made at the food court. 20 daily winners will be contacted everyday where these winners are then shortlisted to join the lucky draw prize presentation.  Only coupons from the same period are eligible for the lucky draw. Receipts or coupons will not be accumulated nor carried forward. Not only that, receipts or coupons that are not chosen from each draw will also be removed permanently.

Moreover, lucky Draw coupon holders must be present at the Draw presentation, along with their Identity Cards (IC) as proof of identity and their Lucky Draw coupons. Representatives are allowed, but they must bring along their own ICs, as well as the photocopy IC of the winner along with the original coupon.

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