SugarBun Brunei officially launched its new website

Categories: News

On the 28th July 2017 (Friday), SugarBun Brunei officially launched its new website at Times Square Shopping Centre. The new website was introduced to provide various information such as the company’s latest news, deliveries, promotions, live-chat and career opportunity. The web upgrade shows that the company is serious in building on existing system within its network to the public. Furthermore, SugarBun Brunei has expressed its gratitude to Times Square Management for its support and Qistory Stage for developing the website.

“With the help of this website and the advance technology, SugarBun Brunei aimed to be closer to its customers by providing and delivering latest information. It is in line with the company’s desire to empower the delivery system to its customers besides raising SugarBun image as a top restaurant in Brunei” said the Director, Ms Chan Fui Meng.

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